2019 EDR Summit

OnPoint Forensics had the opportunity to attend the 2019 EDR Summit in Houston, Texas. Formerly known as the Crash Data Retrieval (CDR) Summit, the EDR Summit is an annual conference in which industry experts worldwide present case studies and other topics concerning vehicle crash analysis.

The Summit focuses on Event Data Recorder research, collection and analysis for vehicle crash investigations. This is the only conference in the United States dedicated to users of EDR Tools and other in-vehicle data.

The EDR summit brings together industry experts to present on EDR data found in light trucks, passenger cars, SUVs, motorcycles, heavy commercial vehicles, active safety systems, autonomous driving, and vehicle infotainment systems.

OnPoint Forensics recognizes the collection and analysis of vehicle electronic data is vital to any accident reconstruction. We also appreciate the fact technology related to autonomous driving and sophisticated active safety systems is rapidly changing and progressing; making continuing education and attendance of these types of conferences extremely important in our industry.

Part 107

Did you know there are significant restrictions when flying Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) or drones for commercial or business purposes? There are official FAA rules concerning flight speed, altitude, and aircraft weight. There are even restrictions on when and where a remote pilot can fly a drone. With a FAA Part 107 UAS license, a remote pilot can confidently fly a drone while navigating all the rules and restrictions the FAA has placed on pilots who wish to fly for commercial purposes. Paul Gray at OnPoint Forensics has been a Part 107 licensed pilot since 2017. Drone photography can be very beneficial when analyzing and mapping the scene of a collision. Drones offer a unique prospective in scene documentation and the aerial photos can be used for photogrammetry, orthomosaic imagery and conversion into point cloud data. OnPoint Forensics is proud to offer their clients investigative services which can include the use of drones. Contact us for more information.

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